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Limba Vom Vashaus
Call name: Limba

Hips: 'B' Fast normal
Elbows: Normal
Show Ratings: 2xSG1
Titles: IGP1, BH
200+ Genetic Diseases Test: CLEAR
Registration: FCI, AKC
Limba is a European imported female and is larger frame and thick! She has an absolutely beautiful black and red coat with a dark black mask. She is very level headed, lower/mild drive, self assured, confident and outgoing. She does great meeting new people and new dogs! She is always up to go on an adventure and loves to go swimming! Limba weighs around 75-80 pounds and one of our larger females!
Show Results:
CACIB & GSD Show Natalinci 2022
Class 24+ SG2 Limba Vom Vashaus
Judge: Peter Firic
GSD Show Mladenovac 2022
Class 24+ SG2 Limba Vom Vashaus
Judge: Gabriel Stibel & Jovan Petkovic

Sire: VA1 Lithium Vom Fanino, IGP3, BH, KKL1 - Dam: Mini Vom Vashaus
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